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Aperto da Tetomotard, Settembre 18, 2007, 19:35:51 PM

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Un pullman di suore precipita in un burrone, tutte morte.Siccome sono sante suore, si ritrovano tutte quante davantialla porta del paradiso.San Pietro, severo, le fa mettere tutte in fila. Alla prima chiede: "dimmi, Suor Germana, hai mai tu toccato un pene?"Lei risponde " Si, Santo Padre, ma solo con un dito".Va bene, Suor Germana, immergi il dito nell'Acqua Santa e poi puoi entrare. Alla prossima: "dimmi, Suor Tarcisia, hai mai tu toccato un pene?"Lei risponde "Si, Santo Padre, ma solo con una mano"Va bene, Suor Tarcisia, immergi la mano nell'Acqua Santa e poi puoi entrare. In quel momento si sente un gran trambusto dalla fine della coda,e a gomitate Suor Beata si spinge in prima fila.Seccato, San Pietro le dice:"Ma insomma, Suor Beata ! Non puoi aspettare il tuo turno come tutte le tue sorelle ?"Al che lei risponde: "Scusami, Santo Padre, ma se devo farei gargarismi con l'acqua santa, vorrei farlo prima che Suor Angela ciimmerga dentro il culo!".

;D ;D ;D ;D
Northern Europe, Stockolm, beauty on water. In the capital city of Sweden law abiding citizens go about theyr daily lives in armony; but if you are fortunate and listen carefully you can hear whispers of a mith, rumors of a man, a legend. Dressed in midnight black speeds through the rush hour traffic like the holy wind driving the autorities mad with rage; and so far all the attempts to stop him have failed. Those who have heard know his name...GHOSTRIDER!!






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HorneT 09

The New Bucum..........

steo penna

Sturiell of Cappucciett Red

Tant ma tant temp ago, ce stava ‘na little Cappucciett Red.

One mattin her mamm dissed:
”Dear Cappucciett, take this cest and go to the nonn but warning to the lup that is very ma very kattiv! And torn prest! Good luck! And in boc at the lup!”

Cappucciett didn’t capì very well this ultim thing but went away, da sol, with the cest.

Cammining cammining, in the cuor of the forest, at a cert punt she incontrered the lup, who dissed:
“Hi, Piccula girl! Ndove do you go?”.

“To the nonn with this little cest, wich is little but it is full of a sacc of choccolate and biscots and panetùns and more, more, more and mirtills” she dissed.

“Ah, mannagg ‘amadoon (maybe an expression com: what a cul that I had)” dissed the lup, with a fium of saliv out of the bocc.

And so the lup dissed:
“Beh, now I dev andar because the telephonin is squilling, sorry”.

And the lup went away, but not very away, but to the nonn’s house.

Cappucciett Red, who was very ma very lent, lent un casin, continued for her sentier in the forest.

The lup arrived at the house, suoned the campanel, entered and, after saluting the nonn, magned her in a boccon.

Then, after sputing the dentier, he indossed the ridicol night berret and fikked himself in the let.

When Cappucciett Red came to the fint nonn’s house, suoned and entered.

But when the little and a bit stupid girl saw the nonn (non was the nonn, but the lup, ricord!) dissed:
“But nonn, why do you stay in the let?”.

And the nonn-lup:
“Oh, I’ve stort my cavigl doing aerobics!”.

“Oh, poor nonn!” dissed Cappucciett (she was more than a bit stupid, I think, wasn’t she?).

Then she dissed:
“But...what a big okks do you have? Do you bisogn some collir?”.

“Oh, no! It’s for see you better, my dear (stupid) little girl” dissed the nonn-lup.

Then Cappucciett, who was more dur than a block of marm:
“But what big orekks do you have, do you have the orekkions?”.

And the nonn-lup:
“Oh, no! It is to ascolt you better”.

And Cappucciett (that I think now really rincoglionited) said:
“But what big dents do you have?!”.

And the lup, that at this point wanted to dir:
“Càssi tùi mai?” (maybe an expression com: make your affair, never?) dissed:
“It is to magn you better!”

And he magned really tutt quant the poor (and rincoglionited) little red girl.

But...TA DAH!....out of the house a simpatic, curious and innocent cacciator of frodo (maybe a city near there) sented all and dissed:
“Accident! A lup! Its pellicc vals a sac of solds!”.

And so, spinted not only for the compassion for the little girl, butted a terr the kils of volps, fringuells and conigls that he had ammazzed till that moment, imbracced the fucil, entered in the stanz and killed the lup.

Than squarced his panz (being attent to not rovin the pellicc) and tired fora the nonn (still viv) and Cappucciett (still rincoglionited).

And so, at the end, the cacciator of frodo vended the pellicc and guadagned (honestly) a sacc of solds.

The nonn magned tutt the leccornies in the cest.

Cappucciett Red...beh!, let she stay, because she had capited gnènt.

And so, everybody lived felix and content (maybe not the lup!).

                                                                  THE FIN
Non puoi dir gatto se non ce l'hai nel sacco!!!!


 :D :D :D :D questa è bellissima!!
Citazione di: Tetomotard il Settembre 18, 2007, 19:35:51 PM
Un pullman di suore precipita in un burrone, tutte morte.Siccome sono sante suore, si ritrovano tutte quante davantialla porta del paradiso.San Pietro, severo, le fa mettere tutte in fila. Alla prima chiede: "dimmi, Suor Germana, hai mai tu toccato un pene?"Lei risponde " Si, Santo Padre, ma solo con un dito".Va bene, Suor Germana, immergi il dito nell'Acqua Santa e poi puoi entrare. Alla prossima: "dimmi, Suor Tarcisia, hai mai tu toccato un pene?"Lei risponde "Si, Santo Padre, ma solo con una mano"Va bene, Suor Tarcisia, immergi la mano nell'Acqua Santa e poi puoi entrare. In quel momento si sente un gran trambusto dalla fine della coda,e a gomitate Suor Beata si spinge in prima fila.Seccato, San Pietro le dice:"Ma insomma, Suor Beata ! Non puoi aspettare il tuo turno come tutte le tue sorelle ?"Al che lei risponde: "Scusami, Santo Padre, ma se devo farei gargarismi con l'acqua santa, vorrei farlo prima che Suor Angela ciimmerga dentro il culo!".

;D ;D ;D ;D


Citazione di: steo penna il Settembre 19, 2007, 10:21:56 AM
Sturiell of Cappucciett Red

Tant ma tant temp ago, ce stava ‘na little Cappucciett Red.

One mattin her mamm dissed:
”Dear Cappucciett, take this cest and go to the nonn but warning to the lup that is very ma very kattiv! And torn prest! Good luck! And in boc at the lup!”

Cappucciett didn’t capì very well this ultim thing but went away, da sol, with the cest.

Cammining cammining, in the cuor of the forest, at a cert punt she incontrered the lup, who dissed:
“Hi, Piccula girl! Ndove do you go?”.

“To the nonn with this little cest, wich is little but it is full of a sacc of choccolate and biscots and panetùns and more, more, more and mirtills” she dissed.

“Ah, mannagg ‘amadoon (maybe an expression com: what a cul that I had)” dissed the lup, with a fium of saliv out of the bocc.

And so the lup dissed:
“Beh, now I dev andar because the telephonin is squilling, sorry”.

And the lup went away, but not very away, but to the nonn’s house.

Cappucciett Red, who was very ma very lent, lent un casin, continued for her sentier in the forest.

The lup arrived at the house, suoned the campanel, entered and, after saluting the nonn, magned her in a boccon.

Then, after sputing the dentier, he indossed the ridicol night berret and fikked himself in the let.

When Cappucciett Red came to the fint nonn’s house, suoned and entered.

But when the little and a bit stupid girl saw the nonn (non was the nonn, but the lup, ricord!) dissed:
“But nonn, why do you stay in the let?”.

And the nonn-lup:
“Oh, I’ve stort my cavigl doing aerobics!”.

“Oh, poor nonn!” dissed Cappucciett (she was more than a bit stupid, I think, wasn’t she?).

Then she dissed:
“But...what a big okks do you have? Do you bisogn some collir?”.

“Oh, no! It’s for see you better, my dear (stupid) little girl” dissed the nonn-lup.

Then Cappucciett, who was more dur than a block of marm:
“But what big orekks do you have, do you have the orekkions?”.

And the nonn-lup:
“Oh, no! It is to ascolt you better”.

And Cappucciett (that I think now really rincoglionited) said:
“But what big dents do you have?!”.

And the lup, that at this point wanted to dir:
“Càssi tùi mai?” (maybe an expression com: make your affair, never?) dissed:
“It is to magn you better!”

And he magned really tutt quant the poor (and rincoglionited) little red girl.

But...TA DAH!....out of the house a simpatic, curious and innocent cacciator of frodo (maybe a city near there) sented all and dissed:
“Accident! A lup! Its pellicc vals a sac of solds!”.

And so, spinted not only for the compassion for the little girl, butted a terr the kils of volps, fringuells and conigls that he had ammazzed till that moment, imbracced the fucil, entered in the stanz and killed the lup.

Than squarced his panz (being attent to not rovin the pellicc) and tired fora the nonn (still viv) and Cappucciett (still rincoglionited).

And so, at the end, the cacciator of frodo vended the pellicc and guadagned (honestly) a sacc of solds.

The nonn magned tutt the leccornies in the cest.

Cappucciett Red...beh!, let she stay, because she had capited gnènt.

And so, everybody lived felix and content (maybe not the lup!).

                                                                  THE FIN
bella in lingua anglo barese   :P :P :P :P :P
non sò ancora cosa farò da grande


Citazione di: steo penna il Settembre 19, 2007, 10:21:56 AM
Sturiell of Cappucciett Red......

Steo penna, this sturiell is a tantinell simil to that.........

Barza del 18 Maggio

Honda XR 650M '05 - Honda RC30 '89 - Honda CB 400 SS da scippo '75

K  Ho un cervello, non sono analfabeta e non sento l'irrefrenabile bisogno di deturpare la mia lingua madre con K ed abbreviazioni (almeno ci provo).

steo penna

Steo penna, this sturiell is a tantinell simil to that.........
RC30, ciao, effettivamente la barza non l'ho inventata io ma come tutti l'ho ricevuta da qualcuno che sinceramente non ricordo; mi scuso se l'avevi scritta già tu per primo... I am very scusa!!!!

l'importante è ridere :P ;D :D ;D :D

Non puoi dir gatto se non ce l'hai nel sacco!!!!


Citazione di: steo penna il Settembre 20, 2007, 11:27:53 AM
.....l'importante è ridere :P ;D :D ;D :D.......

:D :D :D :D Io rid every volt che la read.........:D :D :D :D
Honda XR 650M '05 - Honda RC30 '89 - Honda CB 400 SS da scippo '75

K  Ho un cervello, non sono analfabeta e non sento l'irrefrenabile bisogno di deturpare la mia lingua madre con K ed abbreviazioni (almeno ci provo).